Em Dash Shortcut

  1. An em dash is a common character in the writer's toolbox. Many word processing programs—such as Microsoft Word—automatically convert a double-dash into an em dash. However, it takes a little bit of work to use them in InDesign, where em dashes can be created either through the use of a hot-key combination or in the user menus.
  2. In Google Docs, if you type two hyphens followed by a space, those two hyphens will be changed to an em dash. Out of the box, Word and Scrivener will do the same. There isn’t an autocorrect option out of the box for an en dash, though. So, you can try this.
  3. Mac operating systems all have the same shortcut for the em dash, which makes the process quick and simple. Press Option + Shift + Minus (that's -, the key right next to 0 at the top of your.
Em Dash Shortcut

Simple keyboard shortcut to make en dash in windows is '0150' Press the 'alt' key and hold it down while typing '0150' on the Windows keyboard. This is the simple page to learn how to type / make en dash on your windows keyboard.

I would like to use em dashes and en dashes in text, but don't see a way to insert them with the keyboard. How can it be done? I am typically using Liberation Serif as the font, but not always- sometimes it's Droid Sans or something else.

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Alex Kemp
close date 2020-09-29 17:15:35.137748



I see that I can put a space before and after two regular dashes and auto-correct will change it. But I usually don't want a space before the dash.

What is your operating system?

How To Use Em Dash

Windows 10